Payroll for essential people

Signs it’s time for a dedicated payroll service

SMEs without a dedicated payroll service can find themselves in trouble with both their employees and HMRC over inaccurate payroll processing. We take a look at four common sings that tell you it’s time to sort out the problem once and for all and hand over your payroll to the professionals

Inaccurate data causes mistakes 

Perhaps the most common reason behind making mistakes on payroll is having inaccurate data about the employee. From not updating the hours they work to their correct salary, having up to date and accurate financial data is not only essential to getting pay right, but is also a requirement from HMRC. A specialist payroll service understands the importance of this and therefore makes the time to check data as part of their package. 

Inexperienced payroll staff 

Managing payroll is complex and requires professional, ongoing training in order to get it right. Many SMEs do not have the experienced staff required to ensure their payroll is processed not only on time, but accurately. This can be an expensive mistake as it can cost your business time, in terms of putting inaccuracies right, your compliance with legislation, and therefore money if you are served with a fine. A dedicated payroll service will have an experienced team whose only role is to ensure your payroll is completely correct. 

Misclassifying employees 

Another common error we see for those who do not have a dedicated payroll service is the misclassification of employees. Classifying staff correctly can be complicated, especially if you have a mix of full and part time staff, temporary workers and independent contractors. Mistakes in this area are taken very seriously by HMRC as it impacts income, tax rules and tax reliefs. 

Missed deadlines

One of the main responsibilities of your payroll team is to meet deadlines, whether this be paying salaries on the right day of the month or meeting one of HMRC’s important dates. In a busy office environment, time moves quickly which means if your payroll isn’t managed by an experienced team, these important dates and deadlines can get missed. A payroll service not only knows these dates and deadlines like the back of their hands, but stay up to date and well informed of any changes brought about by HMRC. 

Essential Payroll offers a wide range of payroll services to a variety of clients across all sectors to relieve you of your payroll obligations. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch today on 02382 023223 and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.  

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